Porsche Panamera wagon will be at the Paris Motor Show

Porsche wagon
Porsche Panamera wagon will be at the Paris Motor Show. It began as a rumor, but has been gaining strength to the point that there is practically a certainty. A statement said that in the upcoming Paris Motor Show 2012, which begins on September 27, we see the Panamera Porsche station wagon. A proposal of the German mark would come as a prototype from which to assess a possible arrival in production depending on the degree of acceptance with the counting in the event of the French capital. A proposal to increase even more, the hype around this important automotive calendar appointment.

The development of a Porsche Panamera wagon could be considered as the first movement of importance since the acquisition of sports car manufacturer by Volkswagen. The new management is convinced that there is untapped commercial potential in this model, especially in the European and Chinese, so that the presentation of this variant could become, just as the first in a long series of steps with which to extend the range Panamera.

As in the case of the family version of the Mercedes CLS, the manufacturer would have chosen the name for this variant wagon family. A car that, despite what at first glance might suggest, it will not mean an increase in the wheelbase, at least not for the European market. The increased capacity would therefore basically in the trunk and increased height in the rear seats, which would allow better accommodation for travelers from the back.

However, always attending to the same sources, this would not be the only possibility for the new Porsche Panamera wagon. The German manufacturer would take into account the preferences of the Chinese market, one of the main recipients of premium cars, where they do have very popular large cars, and would also be working on a version in which I would change the wheelbase, increasing it a few inches.

Just the beginning
The most interesting of the possible presence of the Porsche Panamera wagon in the Paris Motor Show, where to come as a prototype, is that it represents the beginning of a new phase for the Porsche Panamera. Thus, in this new proposal would see some of the elements to be present in the new generation of the Panamera, which would not arrive until 2016, the same estimated date for the launch of this family version, if that actually occur.

And with the introduction of this prototype, Porsche would confirm their willingness to extend the range of the Porsche Panamera also developing a Coupe or Convertible with another to cover a wider range of potential buyers for the luxury sports car the German manufacturer.
Porsche Panamera wagon will be at the Paris Motor Show Porsche Panamera wagon will be at the Paris Motor Show Reviewed by naknam on 12:25 AM Rating: 5

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