Land Rover thinks about little brother for Evoque

The term SUV is no longer a huge four-wheel drive off-road giant. The German premium brands have indeed shown that you can downsize without quality remained well. Land Rover seems to have found that path.

The British manufacturer, who still largely dependent on its stylish but tough image, with the Range Rover Evoque bulls-eye shot. Since its introduction, there are already 90,000 copies sold and currently takes this particular Brit half of the Land Rover sales accounted for. They hunger for more, because there is currently thinking about further expanding the model range.

Compared with giants like the Range Rover and Discovery was the Evoque actually a small toddler with its coupe-like roofline struck between the 4x4 giants. Audi, BMW, however, with, respectively, the X5, X3, X1 and Q7, Q5, Q3, show that it is possible to go one step smaller. Due to this demand would jump Land Rover models a greater range than they ever had and, if successful, the total production figures can further boost.

There is also danger lurking. Not many brands have such a strong image as a Land Rover. They are synonymous with style, luxury, reliability and an almost unprecedented potential when the asphalt ends. The consideration will have to be made is whether this image is not to discredit thrown by a model of the Evoque positioning. If the British still continue with these plans, expect no earlier than 2014 the first signs of life of this compact SUV.
Land Rover thinks about little brother for Evoque Land Rover thinks about little brother for Evoque Reviewed by naknam on 10:35 PM Rating: 5

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