Like so many things when it comes to motorcycle apparel and gear these days, motorcycle boots are being produced by so many manufacturers its hard to pick one. You can get a cheap motorcycle boots for under a hundred bucks these days. Not only do you have different makers to choose from you know have to add motorcycle shoes to the equation. These are tough shoes made to be durable enough to give you some protection in a crash. Most have reinforced stitching, ankle protection and a shifter pad as well as a non slip type sole. If you are looking for a quality boot or shoe there are several manufacturers with a good track record to choose from. Alpinestars, AGV Sport, Double H and Icon are most of the more popular brands currently available. Not to mention non brand names. I however recommend that you go with a quality boot that is made by a well known manufacturer. I have a pair of AGV Sport motorcycle boots that have lasted 8 years.
Picking a motorcycle boot really depends on you. If you ride a cruiser probably one of Double H s boots will appeal to you since they are made to have a more classic styling. Double H makes an engineer boot which is a perfect nostalgic looking motorcycle boot or the Jump boot which also has a classic look. I find that people that rider cruisers tend to lean towards those styles, since they fit that sort of bike as well as the gear that goes with riding a cruiser. You would look kind of funny in race gear on a cruiser!!
Motorcycle Boots and Shoes for riders of sport bikes are quite abundant. Icon AGV and Alpinestars all make quality motorcycle boots that are tough enough to even wear on track days depending on the one you decide to wear. Most of these boots come with toe sliders, ankle support, shin and ankle protection as well as high impact materials that are integrated in to the boot in case of a crash. These boots are usually made for more aggressive riding there fore you will find more safety features designed to protect your feet from the road. You will find these boots come in lots of different colors that will match most sport bike gear. Also most of the manufacturers of these boots also make gloves and leathers that are all color coordinated to be worn together. Now one of the newer things on the scene are motorcycle shoes. These shoes are quite durable but are not recommended for track use. They are tough enough to offer some protection but nothing like what you will get out of a full boot. The shoes are generally made for street riding. They are popular because they look much like regular tennis shoes so you can wear them at work without it being noticed. The shoes usually do not offer much in the way of protection but rather they have a non slip sole and a shifter pad which makes it easier for you to shift while riding. Most of the shoes are reinforced to some degree but not nearly like motorcycle boots.
Typically your riding style and the type of bike you ride will dictate what kind of motorcycle boots you will choose to wear. Just keep in mind to wear gear that adequately protects you for your style of riding. Ideally a helmet, gloves, jacket, riding pants and boots should be worn at all times when you are out on a motorcycle.
Picking a motorcycle boot really depends on you. If you ride a cruiser probably one of Double H s boots will appeal to you since they are made to have a more classic styling. Double H makes an engineer boot which is a perfect nostalgic looking motorcycle boot or the Jump boot which also has a classic look. I find that people that rider cruisers tend to lean towards those styles, since they fit that sort of bike as well as the gear that goes with riding a cruiser. You would look kind of funny in race gear on a cruiser!!
Motorcycle Boots and Shoes for riders of sport bikes are quite abundant. Icon AGV and Alpinestars all make quality motorcycle boots that are tough enough to even wear on track days depending on the one you decide to wear. Most of these boots come with toe sliders, ankle support, shin and ankle protection as well as high impact materials that are integrated in to the boot in case of a crash. These boots are usually made for more aggressive riding there fore you will find more safety features designed to protect your feet from the road. You will find these boots come in lots of different colors that will match most sport bike gear. Also most of the manufacturers of these boots also make gloves and leathers that are all color coordinated to be worn together. Now one of the newer things on the scene are motorcycle shoes. These shoes are quite durable but are not recommended for track use. They are tough enough to offer some protection but nothing like what you will get out of a full boot. The shoes are generally made for street riding. They are popular because they look much like regular tennis shoes so you can wear them at work without it being noticed. The shoes usually do not offer much in the way of protection but rather they have a non slip sole and a shifter pad which makes it easier for you to shift while riding. Most of the shoes are reinforced to some degree but not nearly like motorcycle boots.
Typically your riding style and the type of bike you ride will dictate what kind of motorcycle boots you will choose to wear. Just keep in mind to wear gear that adequately protects you for your style of riding. Ideally a helmet, gloves, jacket, riding pants and boots should be worn at all times when you are out on a motorcycle.

Choosing The Right Motorcycle Boot For You
Reviewed by naknam
11:35 PM

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